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English Language Arts and Mathematics - Elementary School


Below is the research linking arts strategies to specific success at the elementary school level in English Language Arts.  Click on any of the study citations to link to a full summary of the study in ArtsEdSearch, the online database of arts education research.


English Language Arts - Reading



  • Third and fourth grade students in arts integrated classrooms outperform students in traditional settings on reading assessments (Ingram & Reidel, 2003).


English Language Arts - Writing



  • Programs that integrate drama and English Language Arts instruction, in particular, help students make better use of details, develop their perspective as writers, and write more persuasive arguments (Moore & Caldwell, 1993; Peppler, 2010; Wagner, 1986). 


English Language Arts - Speaking and Listening




English Language Arts - Language



  • Students participating in programs that integrate drama with English language arts, are more fluent and elaborate in their storytelling compared with other peers (Hui & Lao, 2006).


  • Students in visual art programs demonstrate increases in their use of complex language and sophisticated vocabulary (Heath & Wolf, 2005, Korn, 2007).



English Language Arts - Skills and Competencies



Mathematics - Concepts



  • Sustained involvement in arts-integrated instruction promotes long-term mathematics achievement (Smithrim & Upitis, 2005) and in some cases, students who study the arts outperform their peers on mathematics assessments.



Mathematics - Skills and Competencies



  • Elementary students in visual arts integrated programming are more likely than their peers to approach problems with patience and persistence and be intentional in their decision-making (Korn, 2010).






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