Mathematics - Middle School
Below is the research linking arts strategies to specific success at the middle school level in Mathematics. Click on any of the study citations to link to a full summary of the study in ArtsEdSearch, the online database of arts education research.
Students with sustained participation in instrumental music programming demonstrate higher levels of mathematics achievement and greater fluency with concepts such as numerical representation, estimation, and geometry (Catterall & Chapleau, et al., 1999; Southgate & Roscigno, 2009; Spelke, 2008; Vaughn, 2000; Wetter et al., 2009).
Students enrolled in arts programming, music in particular, outperform their peers on standardized mathematics tests and are more likely to pass state math assessments (Johnson & Memmott, 2006; Walker et al., 2011).
Skills and Competencies
Arts integrated programming develops many of the skills and competencies students need to master mathematics content such as persistence, problem solving, and strategic thinking (Imms, Jeanneret & Stevens-Ballenger, 2011; Ingram & Meath, 2007; Morris, 2001).
Music education in particular helps to develop spatial skills necessary for success in mathematics such as logic, reasoning, and pattern recognition (Costa-Giomi, 1999).